Q Spark Group

B2B Marketing
Multi-Touch Attribution

Automatically connect and weight touches, accurately report on tactic performance, and optimize marketing spend and ROI

The Challenge of Achieving Accurate, Real-time
B2B Multi-Touch Attribution

Accurate multi-touch attribution is challenging. Complex B2B marketing sales cycles can have over 50 touches from initial contact to purchase. Long sales cycles and frequently changing tactics and content make it difficult to measure cause and effect. There are multiple good purchase journeys, but which is best? Prospects have varying levels of engagement with your tactics. All of these variables make it very challenging to achieve accurate marketing attribution.

The first challenge is data management. In order to have good MTA outputs, you have to ensure you have the right data inputs. 

The second challenge is existing analytic models. B2B marketers already have MTA models. They either use off-the-shelf products or build them in house. How can they be improved without throwing away the work that’s been done?

The third challenge is accuracy and bias. The more advanced models become, the more they use weightings to drive precision. Engagement weightings. Context weightings. Tactic importance weighting. The problem is that when humans assign the weightings, they are biased and inaccurate. If the weightings are off, the insights are wrong, and the decisions are incorrect. 


The Solution is AI-powered Multi-Touch Attribution

You can leverage and mature your existing MTA models and deliver ROI within 3 months. 

First, start with the data. Modern data management technologies can augment your existing data management processes. Accurately identify organizations and contacts. Identify mis-tagged tactics and prospects to improve data quality. Include additional enterprise data sources to get the whole picture of the customer journey.

Second, evolve your B2B multi-touch attribution analytic models. Existing models can evolve to factor in other variables. Weightings can be applied for engagement. Context factors can be applied to each touch to factor when it occurs in the buyers’ journey. AI and machine learning technologies can augment existing analytic models to accurately calculate weightings, thereby improving the precision of your models. 

Third, introduce recommendations for selecting tactics and optimizing budget. AI is the perfect technology to enable this. Using existing data, historic insights and outcomes, you can baseline recommendations. Then you implement a learning loop to monitor recommendations and outcomes and continuously improve. 

Q Spark Group Delivers Value for Its Clients

B2B Multi-touch Attribution Benefits

Automated and intelligent multi-touch attribution solution delivers marketing ROI in 3 months

Include more data sources get the full picture. Improve data quality and match prospects & orgs. Accurately model the entire buyers journey.

Using AI, accurately weight and score each marketing tactic based on engagement time, context and importance. Identify your true best performing tactics.

Compare performance to marketing mix investment. Identify over & under performers. Direct precious marketing budget to tactics that impact revenue.

B2B Marketing Multi-touch Attribution Solution

Q Spark Group's B2B Marketing Multi-touch Attribution Solution is powered by AI. We utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate data management tasks, calculate weightings used in analytic algorithms, and make recommendations for marketing decision-support.

Our solution is based on our micro data-insight-action pipeline technology. We have a pre-built pipeline that ingests and manages all data required for marketing attribution, weights and analyzes all marketing touches, scores the effectiveness of all tactics, and makes recommendations for tactic selection and budget allocation.

B2B Marketing Multi-touch Attribution

Take the Unified Marketing Analytics Maturity Self-Assessment

Everyone says being data-driven is a journey. But how can you plan that journey if you don’t know where you are starting from? Based on our experience in delivering unified marketing analytics for other organizations, we’ve put together a Unified Marketing Analytics self-assessment.

Take 2 minutes, fill out 12 questions, and get an understanding for just how unified your marketing analytics is.

What is Unified Marketing Analytics?

A Unified Marketing Analytics solution unites data, analytic insights, and marketing actions into a AI-powered, automated, and intelligent solution. UMA leverages existing data management tools, existing analytic platforms and integrates actions into your existing marketing applications.

Micro Data-Action-Insight Pipelines are tailor-made for your data-driven business initiatives. Each DIA pipeline contains pre-built data management functions to put the right data in context, pre-built analytics for the specific use case, and pre-built actions by integrating to marketing applications.

Making B2B Unified Marketing Analytics a Reality

The most important word in Unified Marketing Analytics is “Unified”. Unifying the right data with the right analytics to create useful insights. Unifying multiple B2B solutions so insights from one feeds into the others. Improved pipeline analysis feeds into forecasting and planning. Experience and product usage insight becomes foundational for account-based marketing, and so on.

You can leverage existing marketing technology investments to drive a Unified Marketing Analytics strategy. Data-driven marketing leaders are already achieving great results. Learn how you can too.

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